The autumn wind is cool, and the children’s hearts flutter with the clouds. With autumn, the first ray of sunshine in the morning wakes the earth. Baston Bilingual Kindergarten is already full of surprises for the upcoming semester. The teachers welcome the children at the door. The new semester is about to begin!
The first day of school is exciting and fulfilled with hope. Along with happy music, the children will take the teacher’s hand and happily return to the big family of happiness and fraternity.
The “little bees” are a bit unfamiliar with the new environment. The teachers will warmly welcome them so they can slowly get to know their kindergarten, classes and teachers through interesting experience activities such as observing, listening, playing and tasting; feel the beauty of the kindergarten and get familiar with each other.
After such a long summer break, the children of Middle and Basic classes will finally meet their friends and teachers. They should be very excited to share their summer experience!
Under the teacher’s guidance, “little bees” will use different materials and methods to improve their understanding of BBK customs and culture, as well as share their feelings about making one more step in their education.
The New Semester is about to begin! We will do everything to make sure that our lovely students will have a great and unforgettable time in Baston Bilingual Kindergarten and become healthier, more confident, polite and generous!
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