我们的孩子们是如此的天真可爱,但是不论大人还是孩子在任何的群体中与人产生摩擦是在所难免的, 当孩子间产生不愉快的时候,我们应该有责任的意识到这是很好的引导孩子学习的时候,毕竟在班上学会美好的人际关系是非常重要。
Our kids are caring and lovely but it’s inevitable in any group (whether kids or adults) that disputes will arise. When a conflict happens, it’s our responsibility to make sure it becomes a learning or teachable moment. After all, a big part of class is figuring out how to get along well with others.
At home or in class, there are some simple steps that should be consistent so that all our children learn the same things.
If a child touches another child in anger (punch, kick, bite, etc.), we always need to let them know that it is never okay to respond with violence instead of our words. At a certain age it becomes necessary to teach self-defense but for a three- or four-year-old, a mixed message is too confusing. Keep it simple: “We never hit someone, even if he or she hits us.”
We are their role models and teachers but that doesn’t mean we can or should intervene at the first sign of a conflict or disagreement between two children. If you see a situation but it does not look like it is about to become physical or violent, be mindful but give the children a chance to work things out together. Remember, they are practicing their social skills and “helping” too early actually prevents them from internalizing good habits.
Teacher Sherry
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