
EMTTA, First AMS TEP in China celebrates its 15th Anniversary

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A Celebration of 15 years of AMS Indigenous teacher education program in China

EMTTA, First AMS TEP in China celebrates its 15th Anniversary-幼师课件网第1张图片

2019年11月15日,美国蒙特梭利协会(AMS)首席运营官Dr. Tim Purnell、首席教育官Gina Lofquist、首席师训官Melina Papadimitriou、中国区事务协调官Iris Lee四位领导受邀出席了Etonkids国际教育集团EMTTA 15周年庆典暨新培训中心开幕典礼。Etonkids国际教育集团董事长兼CEO Vivien Wang王伟女士对AMS代表团的来访表示了热烈欢迎。

On November 15th, 2019, AMS Chief Executive Officer Doctor Timothy Purnell,Education and Learning Officer Gina Lofquist,Director of Teacher Education Melina Papadimitriou, and AMS China Operations Coordinator Iris Lee were invited to attend the 15th anniversary of the EMTTA (Etonkids Montessori Teacher Training Academy) and the completion and inauguration of the new EMTTA center. Vivien Wang, the Chairman and CEO of Etonkids International Education Group, extended a warm welcome to AMS delegation.

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Etonkids国际教育集团董事长兼CEO Vivien Wang王伟女士首先上台演讲,她对美国蒙特梭利协会代表团为推动蒙特梭利教育在中国的发展所作出的努力、提供的指导与支持表示感谢,并致谢了所有对EMTTA作出贡献的人。在过去15年里,EMTTA培训了近千名学员,他们目前遍布中国各地,致力于引导幼儿发展。随着人们对蒙特梭利教育需求的不断增长,EMTTA将通过新的认证课程、工作坊和讨论平台,提供更多的专业成长发展机会,为中国孩子提供高质量的蒙特梭利教育,让蒙特梭利教育活化在每一个人的生活中。


Vivien Wang, Chairman and the CEO of Etonkids International Education Group came to the stage and made a welcome speech, in which she thanked the AMS delegation for their ongoing effort to promote Montessori education in China and for their expert guidance and support. She expressed that her appreciation goes to all those who have contributed to the EMTTA program. Over the past 15 years, EMTTA has trained over 1000 adult learners, who now work for the benefit of children all around China. Today, the interest in Montessori education continues to grow at an accelerated rate and the EMTTA fosters this interest by offering more learning opportunities through newly credentialed courses as well as workshops and discussion platforms. EMTTA strives to offer children in China the world class Montessori education aiming to promote Montessori lifestyle nationwide.

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随后,美国蒙特梭利协会(AMS)首席运营官Dr. Tim Purnell也上台发表了讲话。他表示,EMTTA作为中国首家AMS中国本土蒙特梭利培训学院,对蒙特梭利教育在中国的发展作出了卓越的贡献,感谢Vivien Wang在过去15年中为EMTTA所做出的努力,并感谢Etonkids国际教育集团让蒙特梭利教育在中国实现。蒙特梭利教育与其他教育方式不同,它不仅重视孩子大脑的开发,而且让孩子通过双手来了解世界。蒙氏教育将会引导未来,改变世界。孩子拥有可以改变世界的能力,Etonkids让我们听见孩子内心的声音。


Dr. Tim Purnell, also delivered his speech, in which he said, that as the first AMS Training Institute in China, EMTTA has made outstanding contributions to the development of the Montessori education in China. He expressed gratitude to Vivien Wang for her efforts in the past 15 years in establishing, promoting and supporting the EMTTA. He thanked Etonkids International Education Group for making Montessori education possible and available to many in China. Montessori education is different from other education methods. It does not only centers on the natural child’s development, but it also allows children to understand the world through the active interaction with the learning environment by starting to learn through using their hands. Montessori education will guide the future and change the world. Children are the ones who have the ability to change the world. Etonkids education is focused on understanding the child and the way he learns.

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Etonkids国际教育集团董事长兼CEO Vivien Wang女士、Etonkids学术管理委员会秘书兼事业发展部教学总监Gui Vallee、AMS代表团 Dr.Purnell、Ginan女士及Melina女士为EMTTA新址落成剪彩。


The Etonkids Chairman and CEO Vivien Wang, the Etonkids new venture academic director, Academic management committee chief secretary, GuiVallee, and the delegates from AMS, Dr. Timothy Purnell, Gina Lofquist, Melina Papadimitriou cut the ribbon to mark the opening of the new site of the EMTTA center.

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EMTTA, First AMS TEP in China celebrates its 15th Anniversary-幼师课件网第7张图片

EMTTA为每位嘉宾准备了一份意味深长的礼物:一颗金色串珠。Paul博士和Gloria 为大家讲述了这颗小小金色串珠的含义:每一个孩子都是独一无二的,每一个孩子都很强大!这颗金珠也是一种力量,将我们团结在一起,以蒙特梭利的生活方式为儿童服务。


EMTTA prepared the meaningful gift for each guest – a golden bead. Dr. Paul Epstein and Gloria Gao spoke about the meaning of this small golden bead – each child is unique, and each child is very powerful! This golden bead is also a kind of power that unites us to serve our children in Montessori way.

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庆典现场,嘉宾们惊喜地看到前EMTTA 总监Marlene女士发来的视频,她虽然不能到场,但也从大洋彼岸送来了祝福和问候。庆典还邀请了中国各地AMS教师培训中心代表,原EMTTA 培训师,青岛白珊蒙特梭利培训学校现任总监Rosemary Gosse、EMTTA 前培训师Jesmine LOK、巧智博仁蒙特梭利教育中心总监Debbie Gillespie、为明蒙特梭利培训中心Simon Wang、艾荷美国际教师培训学院培训中心培训总监吴楠。


The guests were surprised and excited to see the video from Dr. Marlene Barron, the former director of EMTTA, even though she couldn’t come and join the ceremony, she sent her greetings and blessings from a far via the recorded video message. Representatives of AMS TEPs from all over China were also invited to the EMTTA ceremony. Among the guests were Rosemary Gosse, the former EMTTA Practicum Coordinator, Instructor, current Director of BMTEI; Jesmine Lok , the former EMTTA Instructor;Debbie Gillespie, Director of the CHMEC training center; Simon Wang from Weiming training center; Nan Wu Training Director of the WSMS, etc.

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The guests were happy to re-unite at this memorable event and celebrated the 15th anniversary of the EMTTA. The guests took photos together.

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庆典圆满落幕, EMTTA为来宾们准备了美酒和美食,嘉宾与历届学员们畅所欲言,交流经验,畅谈蒙特梭利教育的未来。


When the ceremony came to its end, the EMTTA staff catered delicious food and drinks to the guests. The guests enjoyed catching up and sharing their memories. They enjoyed the opportunity to talk about the future of the Montessori education in China.

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