What is your impression of Easter and what is it like in the eyes of children in THDK? On the Easter day of April 17th, let’s feel the Easter atmosphere of THDK!
After the spring equinox, everything recovers. Teachers and children start the “Easter” journey together. Easter have a long history, and two protagonists are naturally indispensable in festival activities. In THDK, the children are our protagonists. They incarnate as Easter bunnies one by one and set out together to look for Easter eggs.
不管是室内还是户外的circle time,孩子们们都了解到了复活节的由来和意义,“小兔”们根据老师的指引,在草地里非常仔细地开始寻找复活节彩蛋。每个小朋友都拿着小筐,把找到的复活节彩蛋放在里面,大家一起收获满满!
Whether indoors or outdoors activity, the children learned the origin and significance of Easter. According to the teacher’s guidance, the “little bunnies” began to look for Easter eggs very carefully in the grass. Each child took a small basket and put the Easter eggs they found in it. Everyone had a full harvest together!
There are many theories about the origin of Easter eggs, but it does not affect us to paint on them and decorate them as we like. We make our own unique Easter eggs. The shape of the colored egg is closed, there is no beginning or end, and it also indicates a better future!
All things wake up. On the special day of “Easter”, colorful Easter eggs are like children’s world. Let’s accompany the children of THDK, celebrate and feel the arrival of spring, and draw a colorful kindergarten life!
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审核 | 刘杨秋