我的名字叫Kirsi,我是Bear 班和 Elephant班的蒙特梭利老师。蒙特梭利小学班经常以讲故事作为教学方式。我们一直在探索宇宙的故事,用它来解释恒星和行星诞生的科学。孩子们现在正在学习三种物质存在的形态:固体、液体和气体。
红色的泡沫像熔岩一样涌出来,不断在火山旁边扩散。孩子们兴奋的叫喊和尖叫着,他们可爱绽放的笑容是给老师们展示这个科学实验的最好的礼物。Tommy不由自主地喊道:“Cool! ” 当然,所有的孩子们都想要自己做火山爆发的实验,每一次看着由醋制造的火山喷发,这群孩子们都会大声喊:“哇!”
My name is Kirsi, I am the Montessori teacher for the Bear and Elephant classrooms. The Montessori elementary classrooms often use stories as a way of teaching. We have been exploring the story of the universe, using it to explain the scientific development of the birth of stars and planets. The students are learning the three states of matter and their qualities: solid, liquid and gas.
In order to demonstrate that the particles of liquid are not so tightly attached and that liquid takes the shape of its container, I suddenly poured water onto the floor. Immediately my students gasped with eyes wide open and the qualities of liquid were understood just like that!
The last of the many science works for this story of the universe is our volcano experiment. The students make their own volcano by using magic dough they fashioned out of flour, salt, oil and water. After placing the cup in the top of our mountain as a crater and painting the volcano carefully, it was time to experience a volcano’s eruption.
I measured out baking soda, red and orange water coloring and dishwashing liquid into the crater. Several enthusiastic students immediately wanted to know what I put into the cup and I told them to watch carefully. After I opened the vinegar bottle, they expressed their strong dislike of its smell. Then, I showed what happens when you add vinegar to the mixture in our crater.
Red bubbles came pouring out as lava and spread down the side of our volcano. Excited shouts and screams from the students and their smiling faces were the gifts to our teachers for a science work presentation well done. Tommy spontaneously shouted: “Cool!” Of course, all the students wanted to make another eruption themselves, watching the vinegar create another volcanic eruption. Each time, the group responded the same way: “Wow!”
Teacher Kirsi
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