
来自 Mandy 老师的故事

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非常开心能与您分享蒙特梭利教室的一个早晨。Annabelle 像往常一样来得很早,我帮她梳理了刘海,提醒她拿出家校联系本。突然地,他伸出手臂,像小燕子一样飞到我的怀里。

每个孩子迎接早晨的方式都是大不相同的。Sandy 经常左手拖着一个大大的米奇书包,右手提着一个Hello Kitty 的粉色包包。走进教室时,她总有好多的问题要问,比如她想要知道昨天老师给她的贴贴纸在哪里。

Emily 总是安安静静的来到教室,但是当她双手拿着红色的米奇书包并霸气地甩到地板上,表示新的一天开始了;Oscar 像往常一样带着两个包萌萌地走进教室,走进来时问一句:“今天我们要到哪个班上课?”

来得较早的孩子们会喝下一杯温水,然后大家去上洗手间。接着主教Sonia 老师会跟每位小朋友唱欢迎歌,同时也会与小朋友们问好,这表示今天的学校生活正式开始了。来自 Mandy 老师的故事-幼师课件网第1张图片

每个孩子在围圈时间的表现都是不同的。我们从问候开始。当老师与Oscar 问好时,他先想一想他要回答什么,然后开心地说:“Dinosaur”(恐龙)。当老师在与Gabriel 问好时,他用手摆出最可爱的姿势,说:“Happy”(开心)。




The happy morning of Hippos class

I’d love to share with you one of my typical morning in the Montessori classroom. Annabelle comes to school early asusual. I brush her hair on her forehead and remind her to take out the contact book. All of a sudden she stretches out her arms and just like a little swallow flew into my arms. What a lovely start to the morning!

来自 Mandy 老师的故事-幼师课件网第2张图片It’s fascinating to see how each child approaches the morning differently. Sandy often comes to school with a big Mickey schoolbag in her left hand and a Hello Kitty pink bag in her right hand. After she comes into the classroom, she is full of questions, such as wondering where are the stickers her teacher gave her.

Emily is very quiet when she comes into the classroom but when she drops her red bag onto the floor she is ready for action. Oscar walks into class with two bags (so cute) and always asks: “So which class are we going to have this morning?”

来自 Mandy 老师的故事-幼师课件网第3张图片
The kids who come to the school early all have a cup of warm water to start the day, after which we have bathroom time. When Teacher Sonia sings the greeting song and says hello to every child, the day has truly begun.

Circle time is different for each child. We start of with Hello’s. When the teachers say hi to Oscar, he thinks about his response and then happily says: “Dinosaur!" When the teachers say hello to Gabriel, he makes the cutest gestures with his hands and says: “Happy!”

After singing a few English songs, children in the Montessori room have their individual work time. Each chooses his or her favorite work. Some kids are sensitive to the Practical Life area, while others gravitate to wards drawing art. Still others go to the Language Area to read and write or to the Math Area where the work with numbers, counting and math.

来自 Mandy 老师的故事-幼师课件网第4张图片I particularly enjoy how the older children serve as role models, leading their little brothers and sisters to work. I am so happy that the kids create a friendly, harmonious environment for each other.


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