新来的孩子将面临两个主要挑战:1. 如何适应课堂节奏和日程安排。2. 如何与其他孩子一起小组合作。
There are two majorchallenges for new children: 1. How to adjust to the rhythm and routine of theclass, and 2. How to work well with other kids in a group.
When children don’tknow what will happen, they become nervous. Explain what is happening now and the order of upcoming activities. Ifyou are unsure, take a moment and ask one of the teachers in the classroom. Aclear routine that is clearly explained will go a long way toward helping yourchild adjust. On each day, if you are going to be in the room, be in the room.
Once you have left,don’t make an unscheduled run into the classroom to help if your child beginsto cry. If your child thinks you will come if only he or she cries loud or longenough, you are teaching him or her to cry louder and longer, not to feel safeand comfortable without you.
School can also bescary because it means sharing time, tools and space with other children. Thisis a learned skill that takes time to develop. You can help in class with a fewsimple rules: talk with your word (not hands, teeth or feet), respect the spaceof others, use our indoor voices.
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