Here you are. You have a little bit of extra cash set aside for a rainy day, the mortgage is paid, and the children’s trust fund is in order. What better thing to spend some hard – earned cash on than some travelling? You set the date, purchase the tickets to a new country, and hit the dusty trail. Once you get to the new country, you might catch yourself thinking, “Wow, I wish I could speak the local language.” Have you ever sat down and tried to learn a new language? If so, you have also probably thought, “I wish I had a head start at this.” While you cannot control whether you received a head start at learning a new language, it’s not too late to teach a loved one.
有那么一天,您发现房贷已经还完了,家里也存足了以备不时之需的资金,为孩子未来准备的信托基金也有了着落。这时,将辛苦赚来的钱花在旅行上是不是更能好好犒劳自己呢?您定好了日期,买好了去异国的机票,开始了说走就走的旅行。到了目的国,您可能会突然感叹:“哇哦!真希望我能说当地的语言!”您是否曾静下心来认真地试着学习一门新的语言?即使有过这种经历,或许您还是会感叹:“真希望当时可以早点学习!”当然,忆往昔之不谏, 知来者犹可追。您虽已无法让自己回到过去,早些开始,却还来得及去教您身边所爱的人。
ES Paul at Etonkids SH campus with self-created LM for Kids’ English Learning
There are many benefits to be being bilingual – increased neuroplasticity, increased listening skills, and more job opportunities. So how can you help your children prepare for the future job market? There’s a very simple solution – Help them become bilingual! This is easier said than done, but the benefits are well worth it. You may have some questions about how to help a child become bilingual. One of the most beneficial ways is creating a bilingual home atmosphere. Keep reading to learn some quick tips and tricks. Experts agree that there are generally four stages of bilingual learning in children. They are listed below:
精通两种语言的益处颇多,如:可以提高倾听技能,可以获得更多的工作机会。那么,您该如何帮助孩子为未来做好准备呢?方法很简单——让孩子成为双语人才!这说来容易,做起来可不简单, 不过非常值得一试。最有效的一招是在家里营造一个双语环境。您不妨继续读完本文,以获得一些感悟或小技巧。不少专家认同,孩子们在双语学习过程中一般会经历以下四个阶段:
Stage 1/ 阶段一
Continued Use of Home Language
There may be a period of time where children use the home language in second language situations. During this period, children use their home language in hopes that it will be understood, sometimes not even realizing that this may not be a proper medium of communication. This stage tends to be relatively short as children soon realize that they cannot understand and cannot be understood.
Stage 2/阶段二
Silent or Non-verbal Period
Children enter a silent period when they discover that their home language does not work in the second language situation. During this stage, children may need time to collect information about the new language. This stage proves to be age-dependent, in that children have to have a certain level of cognitive maturity to understand that all people do not speak the same language. In this stage, children need time to get used to the sounds of the new language. They may even begin to rehearse the sounds to themselves until they possess the confidence to use it with others.
from Rowena’s class at Etonkids CD campus
Stage 3/阶段三
Repetition and Language Play, Use of Formulas, Routines, and Single Words
Children begin to use single words and rehearsed phrases during the early stages of learning. The chunks of language may be memorized phrases from songs, stories, or routine language use.
from Paul’s class at Etonkids SH campus
Stage 4/阶段四
More Complex Language and Productive Language Use
In this stage, children begin to develop productive use of the additional language, which means they can build on and extend the use of single words and chunks of English to produce more complex language. Children can begin to communicate with the words of the new language that they already know. They begin to combine words in ways other than the way they were taught.
from Melissa’s class at Etonkids NJ campus
Now that you have an idea of the way that second language acquisition works, let’s talk about some questions that you may have.
How can I teach my children to be bilingual?
Provide books in the other language that you want your children to learn.
Play music and show educational television shows in the second language in your home.
Speak the language that you want your children to learn. You do not need to speak the language to them all day if it is too difficult. Choose specific times throughout the day that you only speak the new language. An example of this is a mother speaking to her son in English while the father continues to speak in Chinese. Parents can also choose specific times throughout the week to speak the second language to their children like during dinner time or Saturdays and Sundays.
What should I expect when my children are learning more than one language?
Children are unique; the exact development speed is dependent on the amount of input the parents provide them. Like other children, most bilingual children speak their first words by the time they are one-year-old (e.g., “Hello,” or “Bye-bye.”). By age two, most bilingual children can use two-word phrases (e.g., “My ball,” or “No juice.”). These are the same language developmental milestones seen in children who learn only one language. From time-to-time, children may mix grammar rules, or they might use words from both languages in the same sentence. This is a normal part of bilingual language development. It may seem negative, but remember that the children are learning two languages.
每个孩子都是独一无二的。孩子的学习及发展速度和父母的投入息息相关。跟其他孩子一样,很多双语环境中的孩子能在一岁左右第一次开口使用他们的语言(如:“Hello” 或是 “Bye-bye”)。到了两岁的时候,大多数的双语儿童就可以使用单个单词的短语了(如:”My ball,” 或是 “No juice.”)。他们的语言发展里程碑和其他只会一种语言的孩子是一样的。孩子们可能会时不时地将两种语法混着用,或是在一个句子中同时使用两种语言。这是双语学习的正常过程。看上去好像不太乐观,但您可别忘了,孩子在同时学习两种语言!
Taken as a whole, creating a bilingual atmosphere is beneficial on many different levels. Bilingual children could potentially have more opportunities than their single-language counterparts. Creating a bilingual atmosphere at home just takes a bit of preparation, but if done correctly, you can ensure that your children have that head start on which you may have missed out.
From KIDS Magazine