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Sunrise 2021 Art Festival
新蕊幼儿园一年一度的美术艺术节开幕了,在这一个月的时间里我们努力为孩子创设各种艺术氛围,让孩子们在新蕊发现美、认识美、欣赏美、创造美,做一个有审美情趣和审美能力的人。约翰 · 杜威(John Dewey)、玛克辛 · 格林(Maxine Greene)等教育理论家们都认为,通过创造性艺术产生的审美体验,会鼓励孩子们从新的、多元的角度去想象和体验世界。
The annual art festival is opening in Sunrise kindergarten. Every year, our art festival will last for a whole month. During this period, we strive to create various environments for children, so that children can discover, understand, appreciate and create beauty, and be a person with aesthetic interest and ability.
John Dewey, Maxine Greene and other educational theorists believe that the aesthetic experience generated through creative art will encourage children to imagine and experience the world from a new and diversified perspective.
The PYP recognizes that not all learning can be supported solely through language, and that arts as a medium of inquiry also provide opportunities for learning, communication and expression. Learning about and through arts is fundamental to the development of the whole child, promoting creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and social interactions.
The Art Festival and our trans-disciplinary theme “How do we express ourselves” exploration activities will be carried out together this month. We hope that children can make an in-depth exploration of “clothing” under this interdisciplinary theme. Children understand the origin of clothing, the changes and characteristics of clothing, the role of clothing and so on through art activity. Children show the beauty of clothing in the form of art. We provide children with rich materials to express their cognition and views on clothing, inspire their creativity and cultivate their aesthetic appreciation.
Arts are integral to the PYP. They are a powerful mode of communication through which students explore and construct a sense of self and develop an understanding of the world around them. Wherever possible, arts should be taught through the units of inquiry and should support students’ inquiries. While completing the journey of exploring clothing, children are also immersed in the art ocean.
The IB learner profile is integral to teaching and learning arts in the PYP because it represents the qualities of effective learners and internationally minded students. The learner profile, together with the five essential elements of the programme—knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action—informs planning, teaching and assessing in the arts.