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  量化分析的结果得出:讲评的时间普遍较短,一半左右都集中在 5 分钟以下;讲评的主题以询问和提醒常规为主;讲评的内容主要以强调知识技能和规则常规为主;师幼互动类型以教师占主导地位的`居多。同时观察的结果显示讲评开展的频次很低,按照界定的讲评效果标准将案例分为高效、低效两大类,具体分为高效讲评三类,低效讲评五类,共八小类。


  关键词:大班 区域活动 讲评环节

  Abstract: The study mainly make the commenting link of area activity in thesenior class of the kindergarten as a starting point. Collecting the commenting cases ofarea activity in the state of nature observation. From the duration,subject, content andthe types of teacher-child interaction to quantify.Depending on the performance ofteachers and children in the comment,Researcher defined the operational standards ofcommenting results are efficient or inefficient, Combined with the collected cases toclassify and presented and make a deep analysis. To understand the current situation ofcommenting activity in the senior class of the kindergarten and to reveal problems ofthe senior class of the kindergarten and to explore the reasons for the problem andpropose appropriate education proposals.

  Quantitative analysis of the results obtained:The duration of the commentinggenerally is in short time,about half are concentrated in five minutes or less; The mainto//优师教研_幼师课件网 http://kejian.youshijiaoyan.com/picment are to ask and remind the routine and rules;The main content ofcomment are to emphasize the knowledge and skills and the main routine andrules;About the type of Teacher-child interaction,the teacher dominated the commentinglink in most instances.The observing of results show that the frequency of commentingis very low.In accordance with the standards which defined by the effect of commentingcase be divided into two categories of efficient and inefficient.Dividing intospecific ,The efficient commenting have three categories and the inefficient commentinghave five categories,Total of eight categories.

  From a subjective perspective to analysis the reason of the low frequency ofcommenting activities is that the teacher have no plan for arranging the time of areaactivities,and lack the observation for the child’s performance in the process of areaactivities;Objective perspective is mainly due to the kindergarten do not pay enoughattention to the commenting link of the area activity.From a subjective perspective toanalysis the problems arised in the process of commenting mainly due to the teachers’

  understanding of the commenting of area activity are not accurate.Teachers lack ofknowledge and skills of commenting,Teachers’ observation are not in place,Theallocation of commenting time is insufficient,Neglecting the existing experiences ofchildren;From an objective perspective,The problems are prduced by the teacher-childratio and the conventional of class in a certain extent.Finally, on the basis of analysis ofthe reasons, the researcher put forward recommendations accordingly.

  Key words: Senior Class of the Kindergarten Area Activity Commenting Link

  目 次




  1 绪论

  1.1 研究缘由

  1.1.1 区域讲评活动开展的必要性

  1.1.2 大班区域活动讲评环节存在问题

  1.1.3 国内该领域理论与实践研究不足

  1.2 国内外研究综述

  1.2.1 国内研究现状

  1.2.2 国外研究现状

  1.3 核心概念界定

  1.3.1 大班幼儿

  1.3.2 区域活动

  1.3.3 讲评环节

  1.4 研究的意义

  1.4.1 理论意义

  1.4.2 实践意义

  1.5 研究目标与研究内容

  1.5.1 研究目标

  1.5.2 研究内容

  1.6 研究设计

  1.6.1 研究样本

  1.6.2 研究方法

  1.6.3 资料的整理与分析

  1.6.4 分析框架与概念的操作化

  2 研究结果与分析

  2.1 大班区域活动讲评现状呈现

  2.1.1 基于大班区域讲评的调查问卷结果分析

  2.1.2 基于大班区域活动讲评案例的数据分析

  2.1.3 结果与分析

  2.2 基于大班区域讲评案例的提取与分析

  2.2.1 区域讲评活动的类型

  2.2.2 分析与思考

  2.3 大班区域讲评存在问题及原因分析

  2.3.1 大班区域讲评活动开展频次低的原因分析

  2.3.2 大班区域讲评过程中出现问题原因分析

  3 讨论与建议

  3.1 讨论

  3.1.1 为什么要讲评

  3.1.2 谁来讲评

  3.1.3 讲评什么

  3.1.4 怎样讲评

  3.2 建议

  3.2.1 幼儿园应重视教师的讲评能力培养

  3.2.2 教师要不断进取,提升自己的讲评能力



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